Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey y'all! I know it's been a while, but check it out! I made a couple new books! They were made with the coptic stitch method, which is definitely a new thing for me. Of course, they are still made with the same recycled materials; vintage record covers and rescued papers. They are a bit larger than my normal notebooks, 8.5" by 5.5" instead of 5.5" by 4.25" I think they're really cool and I'm excited to update my shop with them over the next few days. I hope you'll check it out! And I really appreciate you still stopping by, even with the dead air over the last couple weeks, look for more frequent posts like in the old days from now on.


Angela said...

What an iconic image to use, too! I love it.

TheSeaWithin said...

I am in love with Dustin Hoffman.