Wednesday, July 2, 2008


81, originally uploaded by lucy rose.

I'm so tired today, I am almost too tired to blog. In fact, I had pretty much decided that I definitely wasn't going to blog, but it felt really unnatural. It's been about a month now I think that I have been blogging everyday. Before that it was incredibly sporadic. I'm not sure what happened, it was like a switch was flipped. Now I am a blog-a-holic. And so you have this post, in which I can think of very little to say because my poor brain is so fatigued, and yet I am compelled to write you a little something. So I'll just say two things, one is LucyPlayer, who's work was very recently shared on this blog, has started her own blog,, so you should pay that a visit. Also, her shop is growing chockfull of amazing things, so you might want to stop by there as well.
And the second thing is just to remind all readers about my giveaway. Don't forget to leave a comment on the giveaway post!

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